Monday 9 June 2014

How to be a good friend

This my video on how to be a good friend.  I've made this video with my friend Christine.  It was really fun to make but now it's time to mark...

0 - 3
0 = not done 3 = extremely well done

- Do I have a title slide? We do have title slide. 3 (I think that it's done really well so I give it a 3.)

- Do I have subtitles for the steps? 2 (We just forgot one subtitle at the end but other than that we got all of the other steps.)

- How well does the voiceover timing match the photos? 3 (We have a lot of pictures and they all go with the audio nicely.)

- How well do the photos match the script? 2 (1 or 2 of the photos were a bit off script but other than that the photos matched the scrip really well.)

- Are the photos well focused? 3 (all photos were in good quality.)

- Is the audio clear? 3 (I believe the audio is really clear.)

A strength was that we had some good photos that matched the script really well. It was sometimes hard to find the right photos (e.g the one where we had the second to last clip.) 
A problem we overcame was trying to think of ideas for photos.

Our best shot was me helping Christine because it shows that I'm really helping her.

A piece of advice I would give to next year’s class making How to Videos is to always be on time and work hard and fast. It gets really hard writing your script but when it's finished you feel relived that you've finished but you also have to now do the photos (the fun part.)

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