Monday 12 May 2014


Stereotypes are guesses that we make about an entire group based on couple of people in the group.  If we say that "all asians are good at math." We would be stereotyping because not all asians are good at math.  A lot of our stereotyping can be very wrong and some can hurt more than others. I believe that we shouldn't judge people because of stereotypes and that we should accept people are different.

Write up 5 stereotyping statements of your own using these sentence starters:
Real men drink beer.
Females are more gentle than men.
Indian people love cricket.
Asian people love fish.
Maori people love rugby.

What are 2 good points about having stereotypes? 
They could be good stereotypes.
They could be true.

What are 2 bad points about having stereotypes?
Judging people by their race.
Bullies use them.
Can be wrong.

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