Sunday 4 May 2014


Prepare a jeopardy series of 10 answers about your holiday and then the 10 questions for these answers. We will get into pairs and you will give the list of answers to your partner. They will need to ask the correct question to win a point.

  1. Battle of gate par battle ground- Where was my art on display?
  2. My cat Jax- What was the only thing that kept me company while watching tv?
  3. Easter egg- What was the only thing chocolate thing that I ate?
  4. My bedroom- Where did I spend most of my time in the holidays?
  5. Going back to school-What did I not want to do after the holidays?
  6. Going on my ipod- What did I not do in the holidays?
  7. 2 weeks before birthday- When did I start counting down to my birthday?
  8. My sister- Who was baby sitting me through the holidays?
  9. Last thursday of holidays- What was mum day off in the holidays?


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